Dr Mohamed Abu Al Nagah Clinic
Weight loss 20 kg

Mini Gastric Sleeve surgery

Have you ever thought about getting rid of obesity, eliminating its complications, and getting an ideal weight?
Of course, most obese patients want to lose extra weight, but the problem is in the difficulty of achieving this goal, as losing this extra weight requires long periods of exercise and running daily to lose weight, and it also requires depriving the body of the most beloved foods and meals for a person, such as avoiding eating sugars, sweets, and fast food, which most obese patients depend on, and it is one of the main causes of weight gain.

Further, obese people need long periods to lose weight, which may cause the patient to be frustrated and stop following the diet and exercising, so bariatric surgeries appeared that help obese patients to achieve their goals easily, such as Gastric Sleeve surgery and Gastric bypass surgery.

The Gastric Sleeve surgery has spread widely due to its ability to get rid of obesity in a short period, but the operation was done through a surgical opening, and then the surgical laparoscope was invented, which contributed to making Gastric Sleeve surgery easier and safer than before, as It is done through small incisions that do not exceed 1.5 cm, which led to the small size of the wounds, the ease of healing, and decreases pain resulting from the surgery.

Mini Gastric Sleeve surgery is the modern technique of Gastric Sleeve surgeries:
The process of Mini Gastric Sleeve surgery is the result of medical and technological progress, where the process of Mini Gastric Sleeve surgery is done through a modern device called a micro laparoscope, which is a laparoscope thickness that does not exceed 2 mm. It is inserted through very small openings that are difficult to see after being healed. The same steps are followed in the surgery
The Gastric Sleeve surgery, where about 80% of the stomach size is removed, including the upper part of the stomach, and the wound is stapled using smart staplers capable of measuring the thickness of the stomach wall and determining the appropriate type of staple, and this ensures that the wounds are completely closed and that no leakage occurs in the future. The difference between Classic Gastric Sleeve surgery and Mini Gastric sleeve surgery is the surgical equipment used during the surgery.  Reducing the size of the stomach results in a decrease in the absorptive capacity of food, and thus the patient reduces the amounts of food he eats, and the part responsible for the secretion of the hunger hormone in the stomach is removed, and thus the patient feels full easily.

Of course, the mini surgical tools add a lot to this surgery, as the Mini Gastric Sleeve surgery is the most popular among other bariatric surgeries, and that is what differs it from other bariatric surgeries.

Why is Mini Gastric Sleeve surgery the best choice for you among other Gastric sleeve surgeries?
The Mini Gastric sleeve is the ideal surgery for most obese patients because all obese patients who want to lose weight and want to reshape their bodies without scars or signs of any surgery, extremely women, and since the Mini Gastric Sleeve obtains this requirement and others, so the demand increased on it recently. Below we review the advantages of the Mini Gastric sleeve in detail:
1- The surgery helps in losing weight quickly and without any complications.
2- It is suitable for most obese patients, as any obese person between the ages of 18-65 years can do it.
3- It is suitable for obese heart patients, as their health improves significantly once they lose excess weight.
4- The operation is done without pain due to the small size of the surgery openings.
5- The main advantage of this surgery is that no signs are left in the place of the surgery, so it is surgery without scars and does not need plastic surgery later.
6- The small size of the wound means the speed of healing and a shortening of the recovery period.
7- Very limited surgical intervention and the speed of completion of the surgery.
8- Helps to get rid of other complications of obesity.

Therefore, if you want to lose your extra weight without any signs, you should choose Mini Gastric Sleeve surgery.

What is the difference between Mini Gastric sleeve surgery and Bikini line Sleeve gastrectomy, and which one is better?
Bikini line sleeve gastrectomy is another type of gastric sleeve operation, which depends on placing all the openings of the operation on the bikini line to hide the wound.  Through the normal surgical laparoscope, the openings for the operation are larger than the openings for the Mini Gastric Sleeve surgery, which is carried out with a microlabaroscope.

Does the Mini Gastric Sleeve give the same results as the classic Gastric Sleeve surgery?
Of course, they have the same results in weight loss because, as we mentioned earlier, the surgery steps are the same as classic Gastric sleeve surgery, but what differs is the equipment used during the surgery.  The patient can lose approximately 60% of his excess weight in almost six months if he follows the bariatric surgeon instructions, and these instructions are as follows:
1- Walk and exercise daily for half an hour.
2- Commitment to the types of food specified in the first period and the quantities of food as well.
3- Take vitamins recommended by the bariatric surgeon.
4- Drink sufficient amounts of water as it improves the digestion process and hydrates the body and helps in burning fat.
5- Make sure to get enough sleep every day.
6- Stop soft drinks and sugars, as this may cause an increase in your weight again.

Confidence and agility after the Mini Gastric sleeve surgery:
After the mini Gastric sleeve surgery your excess weight loss, your self-confidence will increase again, your health and psychological conditions will improve, and you will be able to continue your life and practice the sports you love without obstacles.  Obesity causes an imbalance in the body’s hormones, which in turn affects your mood and also affects the sexual ability of men, so eliminating obesity opens the way for you to create a family and advance your life for the better.

You can now make your period of severe obesity a part of the past without any sign to remind you of it through Mini Gastric sleeve surgery, after losing weight and reaching the ideal weight, you will not remember obesity again.